Policies & Procedures
Ministerial Order 1359 will be embedded into the culture of St Patrick’s School St Arnaud in July 2022
The Governing Authority has ratified the policies and procedures below for Child Safety.
Standard 1: Culturally Safe Environments
Standard 2: Child Safety and Wellbeing is Embedded in Leadership, Governance and Culture.
Standard 3: Child and Student Empowerment
Standard 4: Family Engagement
Standard 5: Diversity and Equity
Standard 6: Suitable Staff and Volunteers
Standard 7: Complaints Process
Standard 8: Child Safety Knowledge, Skills and Awareness
Standard 9: Child Safety in Physical and Online Environments
Standard 10: Review Child Safety Practices
Standard 11: Implementation of Child Safety Practices
Child Safety Standards
Related Policies and Procedures
Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL) is the company established by Bishop Paul Bird to become the governing body for schools in the Ballarat Diocese. This includes St Columba’s School Ballarat. At our school, and in compliance with the Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA), we believe that it is imperative that all members of the school community have access to all school policies and procedures. A shared understanding and knowledge of the policies and procedures that regulate the school ensure effective partnerships between all members of the school community.
To ensure that all members of the school community have access to all relevant school documentation, electronic copies of the policies can be found below, and hard copies of these documents are also available through the school office. In addition to these two main sources, selected school documentation may be published via our communication platforms.
VCEA School Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
DOBCEL Anaphylaxis Management Policy
DOBCEL Child Safe Governance Policy
DOBCEL Student Care and Health Policy (First Aid)
DOBCEL [PROTECT} Reportable Conduct Scheme Policy
DOBCEL Digital Technologies Policy
DOBCEL Asthma Management Policy and Procedures
DOBCEL Behaviour Management Policy and Procedures
DOBCEL Emergency and Critical Incident Management Policy
DOBCEL Assessment and Reporting Policy
CECV Guidelines for the Engagement of Volunteers
St Patrick’s School Visitor Policy and Procedure
St Patrick’s School Volunteer Policy and Procedure
St. Patrick’s School, St. Arnaud Parents/Guardians/Carers Code of Conduct
St. Patrick’s Duty of Care Policy
St. Patrick’s Information for Volunteers
St Patrick’s Behaviour Management Policy and Procedures
St Patrick’s Student Behaviour Expectations and Procedures
DOBCEL Digital Technologies Policy
DOBCEL Identifying and Responding to Abuse Reporting Obligations Procedures
DOBCEL First Aid and Infection Control Policy
DOBCEL Grievance Procedures for Parents and Care Givers
DOBCEL Learning and Teaching Policy
DOBCEL Responsible Persons Policy and Procedures
DOBCEL Supervision of Students Policy
St Patrick’s Supervision of Students - Information for Parents
School Advisory Council Terms of Reference
St Patrick’s Student Suspension, Negotiated Transfer and Expulsion Procedures